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May 18, 2012

2013 Hybrid Car Tax Exemption?
T2 hybrid concept car

AUTOMOTIVE, Jakarta - The government plans to provideincentives for hybrid cars in the form of exemption of Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) in 2013. These incentives is one step in thegovernment's fiscal policy next year.

"In order to encourage the government program to develop the automobile industry with the public at affordable prices andproviding environmentally friendly vehicles (hybrid and green car low cost), the government will provide fiscal incentives throughexemption or reduction in luxury sales," he quoted in the Macroeconomic Framework and Principles of Fiscal Policy in 2013.

All this luxury sales for hybrid cars by 20-70 per cent of the price.Moreover, because hybrid cars are imported, then subjected toimport duties. For duty of imported cars in the form of intact(completely built up) reached 40 percent. It made the price of hybridcars are quite expensive, which is above Rp 500 million.

But beyond the luxury sales tax exemption or reduction of hybridcars, the government plans to intensify PPnBM. Because, for thiscontribution to total revenue receipts luxury sales tax is still considered low. In addition, insentifikasi also aimed at obtaining a balance between the imposition of a consumption tax that high-income consumers and low income.

"The purpose of this luxury sales incentive is to control theconsumption patterns that are categorized as luxury BKP, provideprotection or traditional small producers. In addition it creates a balance between the taxation of low-income consumers and high income consumers," it quoted in the Macroeconomic Frameworkand Highlights principal Fiscal Policy 2013.

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Unknown said...

Check out some other prototype hybrids.

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