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Jun 8, 2011

Gadget Prevention Driver Asleep?

Anti Sleep Pilot 
Author: chadie
WE all know how dangerous driving under the influence of alcoholor drugs. But what about driving tired? Accidents caused by driverdrowsiness accidents recorded 100,000 cases per year in the U.S..

This was disclosed by the traffic safety agency U.S. highway,National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Theyalso added that from that figure, carrying as many as 1,500 peopledied.

In the state of fatigue, reaction time will the slower riders. Well,what would happen if it happened when the vehicle drove at highspeeds on the freeway? Thus was created a gadget called the AntiSleep Pilot (ASP).

Devices for U.S. $ 179 (approximately Rp1, 6 million) this can bean effective way to help drivers avoid a hazard. In contrast todevices that rely on the system scanner (scan) eye or measuring a variety of other inputs, the ASP detects through a direct two-wayinteraction on a regular basis.

He determines the high risk of you falling asleep through a seriesof questions like: how old you are or plan your trip and sleephabits. From the data that this tool calculates the length of timedriving safety.

Every 15 minutes, this tool will remove the flare and you have to dois to touch as soon as possible your evidence is still concentration.If you do not immediately touch it then it will read more regularlyuntil the time he was told that you need a rest which is marked byan increasingly loud alarm sound and lights.

This tool is also available in a format that can be downloadedapplication software (downloaded) into the iPhone, which containsmost of the features available on the Anti Sleep Pilot device. To download will cost just U.S. $ 19.99 (approximately Rp172thousand). (OL-07)
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